Mousesports - Ready, Willing & Able - Trailer

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Producer: Micheal Weicker and Marco Steinert
Channel: Counter Strike
Category: Trailer
Resolution: 1280x720
Length: 00:51
Filesize: 25.59 MB
Added: January 31st, 2009

Creativity: 8.9
Content: 8.2
Editing: 8.9
Soundtrack: 9.1
Quality: 9.5
Click To View japaNda\
Canada japaNda|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
its unique from any other trailer this looks sickk
anyone know the song?
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View \
|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
like the soundtrack really much.
The trailer is a great creavitiy well done.
Creativity: 8
Content: 8
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 8
Click To View makem\
United Kingdom makem|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
negatives first as a trailer it doesnt excite me or get me pumped
up and gives no clue to how the final movie will turn out or what
to expect. However, as a stand alone flick its very good very
nice cam angles and working with the soundtrack.
Creativity: 10
Content: 6
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 6
Quality: 8
Click To View SavoRAZE\
United States SavoRAZE|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
It's a really great start. Even though I am a player of CS Source, I can
appretiate 1.6 movies. Im looking forward to the actual movie. Good footage
and content, even if there are no kills, its still very well made. Awesome
sound track! Does anyone know what sound track that is? I would love to
have it, thanks. Good Luck!
Creativity: 7
Content: 9
Editing: 9
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 9
Click To View Sezco\
United States Sezco|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Interesting twist that Mouz does with this HD Slow-Mo (No Frag)
Creates a lot of questions but I believe many answers will come
when it is released in February.
Creativity: 10
Content: 8
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 9
Quality: 10
Click To View MA-RK\
Canada MA-RK|February 1st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Wow, for a Trailer with no frags? you make me want to watch this movie.
The whole jumping thing synced with the music was great! =) Make this
good for us.
Creativity: 10
Content: 8
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View Dr0pomg\
United States Dr0pomg|February 1st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
no kills but it was just relaxing for me :) like a dream
Creativity: 8
Content: 7
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 9
Quality: 9
Click To View jonzeh\
Czech Republic jonzeh|February 1st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
really great trailer, by the way.. someone has a song name?
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 9
Click To View Hypercfg\
Belgium Hypercfg|February 1st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
This is somethin i LIKE :D
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View miNde\
France miNde|February 1st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Good video but no frags, a little bit boring. Love the way you
wrote the final title. Nice music too but it's easy to do that,
now we want to see your real skill in videomaking so i'm waiting
for the video, because nice trailer anyway. GL
Creativity: 8
Content: 7
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 9
Quality: 9
Click To View rage_epox\
Canada rage_epox|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Unique Trailer
Really nice style
No frag but it's not a problem for me
Can't wait for the whole Movie
Creativity: 9
Content: 5
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View Hawky\
United Kingdom Hawky|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Really enjoyed this trailer, so what if its a rip off of a Nike Ad from TV? Really well done, a great
Creativity: 8
Content: 8
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 8
Quality: 8
Click To View vodka81\
Czech Republic vodka81|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
"way too boring didnt see any frags" lol you dont understand a
trailer ' objective xD

minimalist trailer but nice - well music, someone have the title ?
Creativity: 10
Content: 8
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View Hunta\
Czech Republic Hunta|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
Simple but pretty good .... ;)
Creativity: 9
Content: 8
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View PoLedY\
Germany PoLedY|February 6th, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
i love M Weicker so much his first mousesports movie was pretty
nice and now thios intro 100% i hope the move ist like the intro.
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View ZiK\
France ZiK|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
it's like a dream, i think the movie gonna be awesome
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View fl4sh_ftw\
Croatia fl4sh_ftw|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
yes, there IS something special in movie;
its just option will u like it or not...
i would rather say that ones that u will or love it; or hate it...
imo its the 1st.
Creativity: 10
Content: 8
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View WNxMarkus\
Norway WNxMarkus|February 2nd, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
really good video but to many missed shots to get full score.
Creativity: 10
Content: 6
Editing: 9
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View ExPlo\
Norway ExPlo|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
The trailer didn\'t really tell us what to expect from the full
but the trailer is real special, and the music is just so
harmonic and peaceful. I loved it!
Creativity: 9
Content: 4
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View aceftw\
Not Available aceftw|February 6th, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
ummmm. simple, sooo good.
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View kMM\
Poland kMM|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
cool :0 as they say, pretty nice. waiting for release.
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View _sureshoT\
Germany _sureshoT|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
art in my opinion, this music + the video is just beautiful
watched it over 10 times <3
very well done, looking forward to the movie (:
Creativity: 10
Content: 8
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 9
Quality: 10
Click To View zinx\
Canada zinx|January 31st, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
feels like a commercial. =) cant wait.
Creativity: 9
Content: 9
Editing: 8
Soundtrack: 8
Quality: 9
Click To View metzgerlise\
Switzerland metzgerlise|February 4th, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
If a trailer is beatiful like this, it really doesn't frags in.
can't wait :)
Creativity: 10
Content: 10
Editing: 10
Soundtrack: 10
Quality: 10
Click To View haseeb92\
Pakistan haseeb92|August 27th, 2009 You must be logged in to give kudos You must be logged in to give kudos
niceeeeeeeeeeeeee Dudeeeee !!!!!!!!!
very good movie ;)
Creativity: 8
Content: 9
Editing: 9
Soundtrack: 9
Quality: 9
38 Reviews Total - Average 8.7